
Repeat Prescriptions
Patients can request repeat prescriptions online via the link at the top of this page, by email to, post, in person or via GP Online.
We would encourage patients to order online using Systmonline for a number of reasons:
- You are in control and can order exactly what you need.
- It is much more efficient for the practice.
- It is safer as the data is only entered once so there is no risk of someone at the practice ordering the wrong item.
- It reduces waste as a pharmacy may order things you don't need (the prescription can still go to your preferred chemist though).
New users to the online system will need a password and user ID issued by reception. Please note There is now an app for Systmonline which you can download and use on your iPod, iPad or iPhone.
Please do not call to request your prescription over the telephone as we will not be able to issue it for you.
Prescriptions take two working days to be issued to the chemist unless they are highlighted as urgent to the reception team. Items issued to dispensary will take three working days to allow for stock to be ordered.

Private Prescriptions
The practice will deal with any request to convert a private prescription to a NHS prescription on an individual basis. You should not assume that the NHS will cover the cost of medication issued by a private provider unless you were being seen by them under an NHS contract.
Not all private prescriptions can be converted to NHS as we will need to wait for a consultant letter and check that the prescribing is in line with local NHS guidance.
Please allow two full working days for your request to be dealt with.
If you get your prescriptions from our dispensary the team can arrange to have your regular medication ready each month so that you don't need to remember to request them. Please ask Jo, Dawn, Helen or Sally-Anne for details.
Please note that identification will have to be shown to collect medication, prescriptions or sick notes.
Your medication review date is shown clearly on the right hand side of your prescription. Once it is passed only one more month of medication can be issued before you have to see a GP for a review. If your only medication is the contraceptive pill this review can be booked with Sister Rachel if more convenient.
Prescription Fees
Help with NHS costs
In England, around 90% of prescription items are dispensed free. This includes exemptions from charging for those on low incomes, such as:
- those on specific benefits or through the NHS Low Income Scheme
- those who are age exempt
- those with certain medical conditions
- More information is available at NHS Choices
NHS Charges
These charges apply in England only. In Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales prescriptions are free of charge.
- Prescription (per item): £9.65
- 12-month prepayment certificate (PPC): £111.60
- 3-month PPC: £31.25
If you will have to pay for four or more prescription items in three months or more than 14 items in 12 months, you may find it cheaper to buy a PPC.
- Telephone advice and order line 0845 850 0030
- General Public - Buy or Renew a PPC On-line
There is further information about prescription exemptions and fees on the NHS website.
Sharps Disposal - North Yorkshire County Council
Find out how to book a household clinical waste collection and how to dispose of non-hazardous clinical waste in the Selby area.
NYCC offer free collections of clinical and medical waste from domestic properties in the former Selby District Council area.
NYCC collect hypodermic needles, dressings and similar items. Needles are collected from yellow sharps boxes and other waste from yellow medical waste sacks.
NYCC cannot collect clinical or medical waste from businesses including residential and nursing homes.
Non-hazardous medical waste, such as incontinence pads, can be put into your grey refuse bin. If you are producing large amounts of this type of waste you can ask for a bigger bin.
Collections take place on the last Friday of each month. NYCC usually need 3 working days’ notice to arrange a collection.
Supply of Medication for Patients Travelling Abroad
By law the NHS ceases to have responsibility for the medical care of patients when they leave the UK. In addition GPs are not required by their terms of service to provide prescriptions for the treatment of a condition that is not present and may arise while the patient is abroad.
The NHS does accept responsibility for supplying ongoing medication for temporary periods abroad of up to 3 months. However, if a person is going to be abroad for more than 3 months they are only entitled (at NHS expense) to a sufficient supply of regular medication in order to get to their destination, where they should then find an alternative supply of that medication.
Patients residing abroad for a period of more than 3 months should be removed from the registered patient list.
Tadcaster Medical Centre Policy:
Travelling out of the country for less than 3 months
For patients who inform us they will be out of the country for less than 3 months, we will provide sufficient medicines for an existing condition (e.g. asthma, diabetes..) for the period while the patient is away if it is safe to do so. Drugs that require frequent monitoring may not be prescribed where there are safety concerns. Supply of any medication is at the discretion of the GP.
Travelling out of the country for more than 3 months
Patients who inform us they will be leaving the country for more than 3 months will be prescribed sufficient medication to enable them to make alternative arrangements at their destination (up to 3 months supply when safe to do so).
They will also be removed from our patient list. We will be pleased to re-register patients on their return to residence in the UK and can reassure patients that their electronic notes are kept on file for reference on their return.
Patients and relatives should not seek medication for themselves or their family member whilst they are abroad as this constitutes NHS fraud.
Use of Benzodiazepines (and related medications) for flying
Diazepam in the UK is a Class C/Schedule IV controlled drug. The following short guide outlines the issues surrounding its use with regards to flying and why the surgery no longer prescribes such medications for this purpose.
People often come to us requesting the doctor or nurse to prescribe diazepam for fear of flying or assist with sleep during flights. Diazepam is a sedative, which means it makes you sleepy and more relaxed. There are a number of very good reasons why prescribing this drug is not recommended.
According to the prescribing guidelines doctors follow (British National Formulary) diazepam is contraindicated (not allowed) for treating phobias (fears). It also states that “the use of benzodiazepines to treat short-term ‘mild’ anxiety is inappropriate.” Your doctor would be taking a significant legal risk by prescribing against these guidelines. They are only licensed short term for a crisis in generalised anxiety. If this is the case, you should be getting proper care and support for your mental health and not going on a flight. Fear of flying in isolation is not a generalised anxiety disorder.
Although plane emergencies are a rare occurrence there are concerns about reduced awareness and reaction times for patients taking Diazepam which could pose a significant risk to themselves and others due to not being able to react in a manner which could save their life in the event of an emergency on board necessitating evacuation.
The use of such sedative drugs can make you fall asleep, however when you do sleep it is an unnatural non-REM sleep. This means you won’t move around as much as during natural sleep. This can cause you to be at an increased risk of developing a blood clot (Deep Vein Thrombosis - DVT) in the leg or even the lungs. Blood clots are very dangerous and can even prove fatal. This risk is even greater if your flight is greater than 4 hours, the amount of time which has been shown to increase the risk of developing DVT whether in an aeroplane or elsewhere.
Whilst most people find Diazepam sedating, a small number have paradoxical agitation and aggression. They can also cause disinhibition and lead you to behave in a way that you would not normally which can pose a risk on the plane. This could impact on your safety as well as that of other passengers and could also get you into trouble with the law. A similar effect can be seen with alcohol, which has led to people being removed from flights.
Diazepam and similar controlled drugs are illegal in a number of countries. They may be confiscated or you may find yourself in trouble with the police. The passenger may also need to use a different strategy for the homeward bound journey and/or other legs of the journey
It is important to declare all medical conditions and medications you take to your travel insurer. If not, there is a risk of nullifying any insurance policy you may have.
Given the above we will no longer be providing Diazepam or similar drugs for flight anxiety and instead suggest the below aviation industry recommended flight anxiety courses.
Flight anxiety does not come under the remit of General Medical Services as defined in the GP contract and so we are not obliged to prescribe for this. Patients who still wish to take benzodiazepines for flight anxiety are advised to consult with a private GP or travel clinic.
For further information:
Prescribing of Gluten Free Items
Patients who have been diagnosed with Coeliac disease by their hospital specialist can have some food items prescribed on the NHS. The list is limited and quantities are decided by the age of the patient. The document below can be downloaded and returned to the practice.
Prescribing of Over the Counter Medication
Your GP won't usually give you a prescription for things like hay fever, colds, aches & pains & sunburn. You can get advice & buy over-the-counter medicines from a pharmacy without an appointment, saving you time & freeing GP slots for those who need them.